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Type of vehicle Nil
Use of Vehicle Nil
Vehicle Status Nil
Vehicle Brand Nil
Vehicle Model Nil
Engine Capacity (CC) Nil
Vehicle Year Nil
Value of the vehicle including road tax (MUR) Nil
Motorization Nil
Transmission Nil
Number of Seats Nil
Number of years of driving license Nil
Claims history over the last 5 years Nil
Will there be any lease or lien on vehicle ? Nil
Driver's name Nil
Driver's Date of Birth Nil
Value of the trailer (trailer/crate) Nil
Accessories Nil
No./Registration plate Nil
Name of existing insurer Nil
Desired start date of contract Nil
Title Nil
Last Name Nil
First Name Nil
Profession Nil
Postal Adress Nil
Email Nil
Email Confirmation Nil
Phone Number Nil
Date of Birth Nil
Company Name Nil
Company address Nil
Business/Activity of the company Nil
Date Incorporated Nil

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